Sunday, September 7, 2008

UT Photo Students Take Home the Ribbons

I keep getting more and more information about students who won more and more ribbons. I am adding them as fast as I get them. Please check back to see them all.

The Tennessee Vally Fair in Knoxville has completed their photography contest. Several students emailed me to make sure I knew that several of my previous students had placed very well.

Actually, it appears they did better than placed well, they apparently took home about all they could haul. I am very pleased and proud of all of them. I hope I have not missed anyone, I am just going by the info and images that have been emailed to me. If I missed you, please send your winning images and placement information.

In no particular order,
here is what our UT photo students submitted and won. I can't tell you how proud I am of all of them. This should be an inspiration and goal for all new students. You can do it if you try. tom

Ross Ramsey - 1st place Nighttime category
Colby McLemore - 1st Place Color - Landscape
Colby McLemore - 1st Place Color - Candid of Teenage or Older
Colby McLemore - 2nd Place Color - Plant World, flowers
Colby McLemore - 2nd Place B & W and Toned Prints - portrait of teenager or older
Lynn Harrison - 1st Place Insects
Lynn Harrison - 2nd Place Macro
Lynn Harrison - 4th Place Flowers
Randy Sartin 3rd Place - Best of Show
Randy Sartin 4th Place - Special Effects
Randy Sartin 3rd Place - Action
Rebecca Fairbanks - 1st Place B&W Candid Children
Rebecca Fairbanks - 1st Place B&W or Toned Architecture
Rebecca Fairbanks - 1st Place Color Wildlife
Rebecca Fairbanks - 2nd Place Color Nightscape
Rebecca Fairbanks - Color Portrait of Teenager or Older
Colleen Myers - 2nd Place Landscape
Colleen Myers - 1st Place Child 12 and Under - Sevier County Fair
Dee Murphy - 1st Place Skyscape Waiting on Image

David Scott - 2nd Place Portrait of Children Waiting on Image

David Scott - 3rd Place Candid of Teenager or older Waiting on Image

David Scott - 1st Place Abstract Waiting on Image

Lori Douthat - 3rd Place Waterscape
Lori Douthat - 3rd Place Candid of Children
Dale Smith - 2nd Place Photo Decor
Dale Smith - 1st Place Animals, Wildlife, Insects or Pets
Larry Perry - 3rd Place Candid of Children Waiting on Image

Larry Perry - 3rd Place Photo Decor Waiting on Image

Larry Perry - 1st Place Motion Waiting on Image

Larry Perry - 3rd Place Patriotism Waiting on Image

WOW, what a great set of images. tom


Randy Sartin said...

I can't believe it! Tom has a blog!!! Thanks for posting our stuff, many thanks for the great education...oh yeah, it was 9 months ago that I didn't which end of a camera did what.

Lynn said...

As Randy said, thanks for the education. You and all the other instructors have been terrific and a great wealth of information. To see the changes in my photos from 2 years ago to now is hard to believe. Without the help from the others that teach the UT classes the other students and especially you, I know I would not have the skills that I build on each and every day. I still struggle as to which end is the right end of the camera to use.

Tere said...

Wow, congratulations everyone! What beautiful photos. And thanks to Tom for starting this blog and posting for all to see.

Anonymous said...

All great shots, and something to shoot for (pun intended!). Also noticed some familiar names with the great phots (Lori Douthat from old IT Corp?)

Thanks to Tom for everything so far thie Fall.


Linda Haas said...

Tom - your whole site is wonderful; these pictures done by your students are truly inspirational, especially since I'm signed up for your class.