I was fortunate to be one of the judges for the 2008 version of the University of Tennessee Photography Certificate Annual Photo Contest. The other judges were; Larry Perry, Wade Payne, Kendall Chiles, Ron McConathy and Brad Cottrell, all are instructors in the certificate program. We all agreed that this year's entries were the best and hardest to judge since the contest started three years ago. The first year's winner was Bryan Lynn, last year the winner was Ross Ramsey and here are the winners for this year.
First place - Chad Smith (Fireman)

Second place - Emily Jones (Flower with Bee)

Third place - Colby MeLemore (Portrait of Brunette)

Honorable Mention - Pat Postma (Water Reflection)

Honorable Mention - Emily Jones (Floating Leaf)

Honorable Mention - Patti Googe (Smoking Gun)